Aguas de Marco

This week, I went to this CD shop that had a really good offer on their CDs. Bought 3 album for the price of S$49.90. One of the album was a Bossa Nova compilation CD. Was always wondering and interested in having an album of these sorts. There were 2 CDs in this album, so in total I got 4 CDs, quite a good bargain. The Bossa Nova CD was much more sleep inducing that I expected, however there were some really nice songs. One of the songs that I currently really really really like is Aguas de Marco by Antonio Carlos Jobim and Elis Regina. By the way, in short Bossa Nova is what they use to call Brazilian jazz and people in Brazil actually speak in Portuguese, not Spanish. So this song is in Portuguese and it means The Waters of March. How appropriate isn't it, to mark this month, my dear March. I managed to found and watched the clip when Elis Regina was singing this song from the Net. I think she is so talented. After a wikipedia enlightening, I found out that she's dead, in January 1982, 2 months before I was born because of drugs. Was feeling a bit creepy at that time, I supposed because she died on the year I was born. Anyway, the song is nice, do drop me a mail if you want the song The other album that I managed to get from the CD shop, is Rod Stewart - Thanks For The Memory - The Greatest American Song Book Volume IV and dear God!!! It's the best bargain of all. I LOVE all the songs. Been wanting to get this CD for quite some time but I just didn't know if it would be that good and it was, I love it so much. This make me think if volume I to III is also of the same quality. I seriously recommend this for anyone who does not hate jazz. It is jazzy, but I think it's more easy for the ears than that coming from Michael Buble or Jamie Cullum, since they can be very very "sad jazz?". Okay, so that's my explanation of the title, moving on!

This week had passed, oh yeah, my dear cousin, Marlisa's birthday is today. As what's been happening in the last past weeks, Sundays turn out to be the day of bad news and this Sunday is of no different and now I'm feeling rather upset. In the above paragraph, I wrote dear March, it's because March is the month when I was born. The fact that my cousin's birthday is today means that it is soon that I will be 24. The bad news I've received told me that I will be spending my birthday in a-not-so-good way

Vinny finally came and stayed with us, for 6 months at least. I was asked if I was happier. I thought I would be, but things have been happening and things will be happening to me that even with having Vinny around, I don't think I can be all cheery and all. Talked to my mom and Dewi yesterday, both kinda make me see things in a more positive way. I may have approach things negatively and the worse thing is that, I tend to react with my first reaction rather than take a step back and think about it first. As I was saying, Dewi and mom helped me to see the situation in a better light, however the sadness, stress, and upset-ness can not seem to go away. I don't know what I would do. I know what I want to do, however it does not seem wise to do it, mom is also not keen on the idea. Perhaps I must remember that sentence that I have been putting in my MSN nickname for many years now: If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. God please help me get through, please God...

the dismay on the face
it's a loss, it's a find

Aguas de Marco (translated english lyric)

:) eKa @ 7:00:00 PM •


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