Tuesday, January 10, 2023
I think it was yesterday during lunch that I overheard 2 girls talking about how they're feeling positive about the start of the new term in the university. One of them said strangely she felt full of life and her friend agreed, that she was too. They were feeling optimistic. Hearing that, I was like (I guess) rolling my eyes. They're at most 21 I think, maybe not even 20 yet. I know no matter how old you are, it comes with its own set of problems and benefits, but I guess hearing them there's jealousy at these people being young *sigh* I, on the other hand, was already feeling drained on the first week of January :( I actually got quite a good stretch of break at the end of last year which allowed me first and foremost to sleep longer and relax a bit, but as the new year and real life were approaching, anxiety just started coming back pounding and as mentioned, in that first week a truckload of shittiness was conveniently dropped on me, arrgghh.
In Indonesia, I think you may often hear tahun baru, semangat baru. I would translate that as new year, new vigour. That, I positively (maybe better negatively?) do not have. It annoyed myself having to start the new year getting pissed with people. Like so much anger and frustration, but such is my situation and maybe my temper and emotion that I couldn't control. Don't ask me about new year resolution, I never have one. I do look forward to going home for Chinese New Year, though the still expensive ticket price annoys me too. Many things annoy me - inflation, the increase in goods and service tax among other things :( I feel life is getting harder here in Singapore, but I guess everywhere else in the world there are many people who would be saying the same thing. Anyways, as usual nothing interesting to report. I think the more I write the more negative it'll become anyway, so I'll just stop here. Hope your 2023 has started with you feeling full of life and it's going splendidly ahead :)
:) eKa @ 8:40:00 PM •
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