New Doctors, True Love, Movies, and TV

Went to see 2 doctors this week. New doctors, not my usual one :( It started last Sunday when I had sharp pain in my neck and shoulder and my left side felt a bit weird that 4 panadols for pain couldn't quite help. I practically didn't sleep Sunday night because of the pain. By Monday morning, the pain subsided but I was feeling lazy and thought I deserved the break so I went to see the nearest doctor to me. I had to wait for around 1 hour before I finally met the doctor, all along feeling uncomfortable. The nearest doctor is a guy and he was nice. He gave me muscle relaxant and pain killers, but the pain still comes and goes now though to a lot less extend than at the beginning of this week. The experience of having to deal with this new doctor makes me miss my old doctor a lot, but darn in the case when I really need a doctor, I don't think I can make the substantial walk to her :( I had it so easy last time, I only had to take the lift down back then.

Monday evening, I started to developed an itch in my throat. I'm not sure how perhaps it could be that guy sitting at the corner in the doctor's waiting room who seemed like he was about to collapse. He obviously had the cold. It was another night when I didn't really sleep because of pain :( Tuesday came, I felt I had to go about my day as usual. It was painful, but I survived it. By Wednesday, the sore throat was improving a bit, but then I started dispensing thick yellowish mucus :( So I decided to end the day early and go see the doctor, the nearest one to me which was different to the Monday doctor. He gave me flu and cough med and some lozenges for the throat. Coincidentally the flu med was the one that I had been taking and I told him it wasn't helping but he said it's the strongest there is :( No antibiotic and it's quite a bummer. I finished the cough med yesterday. No more sore throat but my nose is still pretty much blocked with the thick yellowish mucus, so conclusion is I'm still not well :( I felt pretty down having to visit the doctor twice in a week. The only good thing about it was that it allowed me to kinda sleep and since I often don't sleep, being able to sleep is precious.

On the visit to the second doctor, the lady at the counter was preparing my document or whatnot and asked me if I still weighed the same. I said I was around 55.5 kg ish. Maybe it was her experience or she couldn't believe I'm that light, she asked me to weigh myself in the machine. It turned out, I'm 57.6 kg now. That was disappointing!!! What the hell? How does that happened? I'm like 5 kg heavier than the weight I was in when I first came to Singapore. I feel like I have to lose 5 kg and I don't know how that could be possible. Do I feel fat? Not really but am I fooling myself? My wrists do seem to be not as small as they used to and my arms are big. I met Whiskey some weeks back and I told her to tell me if I'm getting big huge, like 2-persons-in-1-person-body kind. She said she would tell me that when that happens, but for now I think she thinks I'm the same. The thing is, I don't know how I can lose the weight. I don't eat a lot. Most days, I eat 3 meals a day, but I don't snack. So the amount I take in are pretty necessary to help me get through the day. I know I should exercise but I'm too lazy for that, shouldn't my walking suffice? I know it's futile of me complaining of getting heavier without wanting to exercise. It's just, it's very depressing to know how much I have ballooned.

So that's the health story. Now let's go to the movie stories. On Friday I had the opportunity to watch Habibie & Ainun. I was still feeling weak and having to go alone did make me question myself if I really wanted to do it, but since the ex-president of Indonesia, B. J Habibie was going to be there, I thought I should really go. While waiting at the bus stop, I met Margie who was on her way there as well and she was alone too so we kinda paired up. I lost her after the movie was done though, so I went home alone. There was food but since I was still kinda sick and most importantly because I was not super early when I was there, the food was disappearing, so I didn't eat much of the glorious Indonesian food :( As promised Pak Habibie was there and I guess everyone is there for him. As he walked quietly into the hall (there wasn't any announcement), the crowd just started clapping at the sight of him. There were some words to be given. The second one on stage was the chair of the Mayapada Group who is the sponsor for the event. His name is Dato Sri Tahir and with name like that, me and Margie weren't sure he was Indonesian and I did feel super curious since Mayapada seems to be an Indonesian company. After a quick google, I found out he is Indonesian. He spoke about how he admired Pak Habibie a lot and how he saw true love in the way Pak Habibie talked about his wife. After him, it was Pak Habibie's turn on stage. I was surprised I didn't start crying here. He talked about his wife and it's obvious he's really devoted to her. It seemed he fell into depression after the wife died that the doctors who treated him thought one of the possible outcomes of this would be that he would follow his wife and died soon. He decided to follow the doctor's advice to just write, write whatever he's feeling and he said there were many nights he wrote and cried thinking of his wife. Eventually he finished writing and people encouraged him to publish their love story and eventually a movie was made. The movie itself was okay. I'm not sure how true it was to the book. Now I feel a bit of regret that I didn't buy the book which was signed by him which was sold there. Anyway, if there's anything I hate about the movie, it's the product placement which were done shamelessly. I did shed some tears in the movie. The end scene which was concluded with Pak Habibie's voice sharing how he thanks God for the opportunity of having met and having had a life with Ainun was really really touching. He truly believes that she was made for him and he thanks God for that. I don't know if from now until the end of his life, Pak Habibie will do something extraordinary again, but if one of the last thing people remember him about was his way to tell the world how wonderful his wife was, I think it's quite an amazing tribute for his wife :)

On another movie. I went to watch The Hobbit last week. Again it's because of the cheaper imax offer. It's one dollar more expensive though because of the higher frame rate which I don't know if it makes any difference. I felt slightly dizzy after the movie, I think it's because the cinema was smaller that even though I wasn't sitting near the screen, it was still too near. Point taken to choose the back seat in this imax cinema in the future. It was still quite a bargain at 13 bucks. You see there were just 3 people including me in the cinema. It's like a private screening though the couple behind did still manage to annoy me with their whisperings, aarrrghhh!!! Perhaps they too felt that I ruined their private screening by being there. Overall I thought the movie wasn't bad. The scenes were beautiful and it's an adventure so I should have loved this kinda thing, but somehow I'm just not that into it. I think I can wait for the sequel to appear in cheaper imax than to watch it immediately when it comes out. That way, I'll get my private screening at half the price.

Yesterday, I watched Gravity. Stupid me didn't know that sneak preview means no discount. The movie is really distressing for me. Again the possibility of getting lost in space is impossible, but I really felt stressed out with the whole situation. The movie actually centers on Sandra Bullock's character and I think she was amazing. There was one scene that made me think how on earth she was still alive after that and I was thinking don't tell me it's another Hollywood treatment that disregards the law of physics and such, luckily it wasn't the case. I did wonder about the scene in the water though. After being in space for so long, will she has enough strength to swim? The end scene was interesting because it kinda shows how astronauts have to deal with gravity after days of weightlessness.

Let's now talk a bit about tv. The fall tv series began last week. Breaking Bad ended and I was quite okay with the ending :) I then found out that Downton Abbey started. Wow Mary was kinda a bitch again in the first episode, reminded me of how she was in the early episodes of season 1. I guess she was right when she said that, "It's like all my softness are gone as Matthew died". Eventually with the help of grandma (of course) and Tom Branson, she snapped out of it and got out of the black dresses into purple. At least it's a different color. Other story development that I didn't like was that the maid that had her eyes on Tom Branson is back :( and how strange that after 6 months, nothing really progressed downstairs between Alfred, Jimmy, Ivy, and Daisy. Goodness me! Glee also started. First scene in the first episode of this season saw Lea Michelle's character smiling broadly and being all hopeful and my heart just got squeezed a bit :( Next week's episode is gonna be tough. Modern Family has a new opening sequence. Everyone's so grown up. Luke and Manny are in high school, oh my God!!! Phil is still like the ideal husband that I want to have :P Oh yeah, I also didn't know that Homeland has also started. This week was all consumed with Breaking Bad finale or felina as it would call itself. I actually really look forward for Homeland, but episode 1 was a downer for me. The only part which got my heart jump a bit was the first scene when Quinn seemed to be making a bomb, I was like, "say it isn't so!!!". It isn't so. He doesn't seem to be a traitor. Anyway, I'm still looking forward for how Homeland is going to develop. Hopefully things are picking up speed and getting more interesting soon. Other than that, things that I have watched include How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, and Grey's Anatomy (yes, I still watch it). Local tv is showing the latest season of Survivor but I have a feeling that things get cut a lot because a gay contestant is competing with his fiancee and I don't get why the tv decided to show something if they're going to cut parts of it :( It's always the case here in Singapore. If they're going to cut stuff might as well they choose other programme to show, right? right?!!!

Lastly, I have to admit that sometime I am jealous of people. People who seem to be living the life that I want to have or the dream that I have. This week I am jealous of my brother. I know he deserves what he's getting and perhaps even more. Sigh. Anyway, he kinda make me think of making plan B for next year. We'll see. My life has been rather rough this week. I hope yours is much better. Ciao!

:) eKa @ 1:16:00 PM •


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