Saturday, August 29, 2009
Jurong Bird Park
Spent the day as a tourist today and went to Jurong Bird Park. See I got this Saturday off and some vouchers from the NDP preview that I attended. One of the vouchers was 50% off to Jurong Bird Park. Since it's quite near to where I am living and it's expiring at the end of this month, I decided to use it. Oh yeah, can I just say that this day has been quite liberating. Last night I was able to sleep without setting the alarm clock. It was really really nice to be able to sleep for as long as I want. Felt really lazy to get out of bed that in the end I finally mustered myself to get up at 10:30 am :P Since I had decided to go there alone, I was just taking my own sweet time of leaving my room, having breakfast, and making my way there. I love freedom!!!
Speaking of Jurong Bird Park, this is only my 2
nd time there. I've been to several other Singapore tourist attractions for quite a few times however somehow it took me a long time to go to Jurong Bird Park. The first time was last year, in August as well, when my dear friend, Dewi, was in town. That was like after 8 years of me living in Singapore. Today I realized that there were some parts that we didn't go in last time. I was surprised that there are parts of the park that I don't know about :P It happened to be sunny today in Singapore so it's hot. I'm not liking the heat much but I know I complain as well when it rains all day and it gets cold and there's no sun. I know I am difficult.
Alrighty, if you want to see birds pictures, you can see them
here. I love the colours of the birds. Nobody else can do colours as amazing as God. Anyway, these fews are not in the flickr set. Look at this penguin. I watched
Happy Feet so when I saw this penguin standing like this looking at an empty wall, I couldn't help feeling if it's drugged :(
:) eKa @ 10:39:00 PM •
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