Pi Day, Whiteday, Me Day

olla peeps! Happy Pi Day. If you wanna know about White Day, go to wikipedia as well okay. So today is me day also. Yours truly was born in the same day as Albert Einstein, but the brain power is so different.

I have quite a good day today. Thank you all who have made my day. My dear cousin was truly a dear. My wake up sms came from her. So just like last year, she was the first one who wished me a happy birthday. So I woke up, feeling rather good, not so depressed actually. Walked out and smiled because there was sun! The sky was blue. It truly made me smile. After all the rain we've been having, God gave a sunny day today and somehow that's really the first thing that I thought of. God. Thank you God. I am maybe too tacky or think too highly of myself, but I really thought He gave this sunny day for me. Love it and I was somewhat at peace on my morning bus ride.

Then arrived at my desk, with a lil present from Yen. Love her as well. Then Lois came. Apparently the good soul Ms. J sent her my birthday present some days ago and asked her to put it on my desk so that I got a little surprise, but it didn't work that way In her defense, it wouldn't fit my drawer. Either way, I couldn't help saying "oh my God" and I couldn't believe how sweet Ms. J is. She really is. Sometime I really think she cares too much about her friends. She is so right when she wrote "Dump all the unhappiness! Yeah, true, true, true! After that I had a nice Olio breakfast with Lois, who kindly accompanied me. As simple as eggs and bacon are, I was happy, happy, delighted!

Anyways, so I also got some birthday sms-es from some people. 2 facebook messages from Ayu (love her, bless her) and Margie (ah, I was so surprised). These are really simple things, but I'm really happy about it all. Managed to do a few things as well today. I can't say that productivity was high but I did manage to do some things and helped a few people. Then il Gatto said I must return for a meeting with him and his pet. I know they're gonna celebrate my birthday despite of me telling him some days ago not to. I did try to get away from it but alas to no avail. So I came back. Then they gathered in the room, apparently waiting for me. I was still dragging my feet and apparently they ran out of patience and started to sing loudly. I was pretty embarrassed. They got me a cake. Ash who bought it and she bought a nice one, choco exotic. A cake that I was thinking of getting for myself. Apparently they weren't sure how old I am. I think she asked for 30 candles and they put 27! Ah, no yet my dears, I'm not that old! I think they were really nice for doing this to me. il Gatto wanted me to join them for dinner, but I don't want too. Somehow I feel the need to be alone and have a bit of me time with myself. I'm kinda enjoying myself watching an Indonesian movie on TV now.

So that was pretty much my birthday today. Nothing really special happened but I'm okay about it. Perhaps it helped me get through this day better. I thought I would get sad and depressed about today but I think it went well. I have to admit though, I'm never one who is excited about birthday. Somehow it's just a day that I feel that I have to get through. When I went home today, I had this crazy thought of how good this day will end if I can hear Ruben Onsu sing me Happy Birthday but yeah, that's so not gonna happen.

Other notes about this 26th birthday. I got a snoopy bag from Dagi. I got the notice to pick it up on Tuesday and I realized that as much as I remembered that my birthday was coming, I was also kinda forgot about it. If you ask me what I got myself. Well, I didn't get myself anything but perhaps me passing CELI 2 can be counted as a present. Yeah, ho superato CELI! Sono molto contenta. When I read the mail on Wednesday, I was so darn happy! I was kinda in disbelief and couldn't stop saying "oh my God". Oh my God indeed. It's really is God's blessing. Thank you God. I was so happy and that happiness really brighten my days. It's been awhile since I feel so accomplished like this and it's been some weeks and days as well since I feel genuinely happy. For that, I really have God to thank.

:) eKa @ 8:41:00 PM •


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