Saturday, May 06, 2006
Mission Impossible 3
Yes, you know what you are going to get when you read the title, but let me tell you first what's been happening today,
06/05/06. So today is Singapore General Election day. The tv is showing live coverage for the result announcement. The last election was in 2001. I was in NUS back then. However, NUS was such a shell that the day went by without me noticing it! There was no streaming of TV yet at that time and I didn't actually follow Singapore news. This time around, I follow the news, read the paper, watch the TV, and to be honest, I am really excited about it! Maybe more than many singaporeans are. Maybe it's just an Indonesian thing? I don't know, but I am sure if this was in Indonesia, my parents would also be awake with me now (it's already passed their bed time) watching the news. My mom would be lying there on the floor, my dad would most probably have gone up to watch the tv in their rooms. How I miss them. Okaay...back to today. So the morning was started with small talks about today's election. I finally met someone who declared that she, or at least her mom, would vote for the opposition party. Her mom apparently was such a fan. It's so interesting to know. Too bad, in my area, there is no election! What a disappointment. My mom was dumbfounded and me too! So this area I'm living in so-called sleep through all the interesting happenings. No campaign, no people handling pamphlet, no door-to-door visit, not a single freaking flag anywhere. Well, I wouldn't count the pamphlet sent by the party who won by a walk over and their small billboard as something happening. Seriously, I seriously feel it was a disappointment.
So after trying to figure out this politic thing in Singapore, I roughly got an idea of what's going on. In Singapore, there are 84 seats in the parliament that will be filled based on the result of the election. In 2001, the election result gave 82 seats to the biggest/most dominating party and left only 2 to the opposition (source; wikipedia), though a friend told me this morning that it was 3 seats taken by the opposition. 2, 3, how much difference can you make, when you are facing so many people opposing you. Let's continue then. Singapore is divided into several areas / zones for the election, in which the people living in that area must choose for a party that they want to see in the parliament. These party will nominate the people that will go to the parliament representing that area. Some area requires 6 people, some requires only 1 (if the area is small). Currently there are 4 parties in Singapore and they can choose which area they want to contest on. Only the biggest/most dominating party managed to nominate their people in all the areas. The opposition parties only contested in some areas. Hence why the biggest party have already managed to put their people in the parliament, because noone contested them. I seriously wonder why I bother writing this down. If you have been reading until that point, please don't stop. Here come the review.
So I watched
Mission Impossible 3 today with Osh. Yes, it was unusual that I watched it with him, but we both wanted to watch it and yet noone wanted to watch it with us. He asked me through msn, in which he wrote something like, "Kapankah kamu mau memandang Tom Cruise?"
(When do you want to gaze upon Tom Cruise?). I actually grinned reading that line. It wasn't Tom that I wanted to gaze upon, but it's Jonathan Rhys-Meyer. I actually feel he is getting less handsome, but I like him still. Oh God, please give me a guy like that. Anyway, we decided to try out the newly opened Cathay Cineplex and lucky us, we got to try the Grand Cathay theatre, which apparently is the biggest one in the cineplex. It was big. Actually reminded me of one of the big theatre in Lido, but this one just felt so new and posh. There were even ushers inside. This cathay cineplex celebrated movies back in the old days when it was first opened. Back in the old days, going to the movie was such a treat, such a luxury, and a something special, and that sort of feeling was actually what I felt when I entered the theatre. It was a happy feeling
Gosh, how I love movies.
Mission Impossible 3 is a no-shit BANG BANG BANG Action movie. Action all the way. I wanted to say the story has more depth compared to the last one (especially compared to the 2
nd one), however after analyzing it all, it was just okay. The story really put an emphasis on Tom Cruise's Ethan Hunt character development, being married and all. So bottomline, it was basically about him saving his wife. So that made me rather disappointed that not much detail was being elaborated on more interesting things, like what the villain actually do, how Ethan actually stole the
"rabbit foot" or what the hell is that (they honestly didn't tell us!). The other characters in the movie were passable. I will give more mark for Philip Seymour Hoffman, because he has such a hate-able villain. The arrogance, the snottiness, he was just plain annoying, that I wanted to kick him myself. I believe he is such a fine actor. There was a scene which I felt was truly unnecessary. It was when Ethan's wife thought he had died and she tried to give him CPR, and there was no sound, except for the sad sound of the piano (so drama!). The scene took quite long. Totally unnecessary because we know that the hero wouldn't die. If he dies, how are they going to do a MI-4? Overall, I was pretty entertained. It might be the movie, it might be the whole cinema experience. Can't wait for more great movies to come out. Sorry people, after so many things that I wrote, the review is only 1 paragraph and not really a review actually.
:) eKa @ 10:39:00 PM •
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