
Went to watch Batman Begins last Saturday. Actually, I wasn't interested in watching this movie but then Osh was very persuasive. So, ended up watching it with him, Felis, Boom2, Yongki, and Eric (yep! quite an odd group). I think the guys are the excited ones about the movie. It was still very good though meeting those people, it's been such a long time since I last saw them, maybe it's been more than one year. Anyway, the movie...well, maybe I'm just not into any superheroes movies anymore. Really wasn't that interested in it and after watching it wasn't that impressed also. Yawned quite a lot while watching. I do have to admit though that compared to the last Batman movie which was perhaps too comical(?), this one was perhaps more philosophical(?). Definitely a good foundation for a sequel. I like Katie Holmes, she's pretty. Well I always like her since she was young Joey Potter in Dawson's Creek, really like her and Dawson. She still looks the same but can see that she has matured. Katie and Tom? Well, I don't know what to say about that. Tom is handsome but he's....old Some people may be expecting me to say that he is short Anyway, maybe I am bias, I couldn't say that the movie was exceptionally good even though I can not say what's wrong with it. The cheeziest thing about the movie was how Bruce Wayne always talks in a different tone when he's Batman. I just found it to be funny and I'm not the only one because Osh thought the same thing too

My msn nickname now is actually for this guy who would really enjoy teasing and mocking me if he understands what I'm about to write. That is why I would write in Indonesian, though knowing him, he would make an effort to understand. I suppose he would understand the title of this post also

Hari ini, tahu sesuatu tentang seseorang. Mustinya sih, berasanya biasa aja, kan nggak ada apa-apa, dan juga kan sudah dikira-kira sebelum nya. Tapi tetap aja rasanya gimana gitu, rasanya aneh. Nggak tahu yah kenapa. Setelah dicoba dianalisa pas di bis, rasanya seperti kalo kita udah puas dan senang sama nilai yang kita dapat pas test atau ulangan gitu, tapi pas tahu teman kita dapat nilai yang lebih tinggi rasanya gimana gitu. Aneh, padahal situasinya benar-benar 2 situasi yang berbeda, tapi rasa yang ada di hati atau mungkin di seluruh badan, rasanya sama. Dewi kasih penjelasan yang cukup menarik. Saya tidak memperhitungkan 'tertarik'. Logikanya, dia datang sebelum 'suka' dan mungkin dia bisa diam saja pada keadaaan itu. Sudah lama atau mungkin sudah tidak sering lagi merasakan seperti itu. Apapun itu, saya rasanya cukup patut untuk ditertawakan. Tak apalah, bisa tertawa itu bagus.

Current emotional song: Chrisye - Untukku
Not really a big fan of Chrisye, but this song is just so ... *sigH* ... really stirs up my inside. I fell in love with the song first, the melody and arrangement, but the lyric is pretty touching also *sigH* Untukku ... someday, I suppose.

:) eKa @ 8:28:00 PM •


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