I'm At Peace

Surprise with the title? Yeah, this one is actually going to be quite positive. I need to thank God. I am at peace. It feels really good. I don't know why I could have this peace inside of me this morning. A guy who was so obsessed with hand phones told me this morning with his silly smile that it is good to have peace within you. I know. I know. I don't know how, I can't think of anything but God. I really need to thank Him. Maybe it is also the power of prayers. I know my parent, especially my mom may be praying so hard for my well-being. Who knows maybe other people pray for me too. So thank you, Thank You God. It feels so good. Hhmm...I can't tell much about what happened today, I think I also need to remove an entry in my shoutbox 'cause as you can see as much as this blog can be quite personal, I still hide some of the facts of my life because I am still an introvert by nature. I am off the Linkin Park therapy. I can hear other thing now, listened to John Mayer this afternoon. I think he's the real voice of 20 something people. Anyway this one was made by me. I kinda forget when I made it, if it was before or after a devastating incident, however the wait had passed.

tired once again
sleepy once again

I was hoping for it
but now it comes with a suspense.

Looking at the clock
as if the seconds or minutes will deliver me out of this anxious wait
It will eventually
but not as soon as I want it to

but so is everything else, right

I'm not good at making poems. I wish I can hide the meaning in much better words or sentences but I just can't. Things just come pretty straight forward everytime I want to write things. Anyway, I feel I need to put real poem here to compensate my bad poem. Really into Pablo Neruda now, I don't know why, I'm pretty drawn to his works everytime I go to Kinokuniya or Borders. However, since we are in the topic of Edgar Allan Poe, I think I should put one of his works (though having difficulty in grasping the meaning but this one felt somewhat a bit fit), in respect to the people who I will somewhat miss

To One Departed

Seraph! thy memory is to me
Like some enchanted far-off isle
In some tumultuous sea
Some ocean vexed as it may be
With storms; but where, meanwhile,
Serenest skies continually
Just o'er that one bright island smile.

For 'mid the earnest cares and woes
That crowd around my earthly path,
(Sad path, alas, where grows not even one lonely rose!)
My soul at least a solace hath
In dreams of thee; and therein knows
An Eden of bland repose.

:) eKa @ 9:05:00 PM •


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