Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Yep, you guess it right. I went to watch Bridget Jones Diary: The Edge of Reason yesterday. I know I should not have done it, 'cause I should not spend money on unnecessary thing, but the head has been planning to watch the movie even before it was released, so I kinda have to get it out of my head. Despite a not so encouraging review in the papers, I enjoyed the movie so much. I actually kinda know why I like it, it's because of Mark Darcy *sigH* Colin Firth is not really that handsome especially compared to Hugh Grant, but that's what makes it so interesting. Even if you are less handsome but if you have such a great character like Mark Darcy then you are such a great catch to have. Lucky Bridget to have him *sigH* I can really fall to someone like Mark Darcy. I think I am actually I think he's so great Hugh Grant's character, Daniel Cleaver is of course the antagonist, which makes all the bad things he does kinda acceptable but I ended despising him because he just walked away even though he saw Bridget in a deep shit. He's British, he should be the gentleman, but it turns out he was such a big ass!!! Of course, come Darcy to the rescue and oH we love him, don't we? Then Brigdet, well all I can say is Renee Zellweger is fat Bridget is just nutty I guess, but you know sometime girls just have a lot of quirkiness in them, I know for sure that I have a lot Anyway Note to self: No more romantic movies, because I'm not immune. So much dreaming and longing and it's useless to dream about that perfect guy and perhaps that perfect relationship. When it happens, it will happen. Perfect or not I don't know (anyway there's no such thing as perfect), but when it's from God, it should be right. Anyway, we always do things which are bad for us, so this note is pretty much a waste of breath I do have to admit, I do long for somebody who can make me smile silly again. Just by getting a glimpse of him, I know and believe that the day is wonderful, that life is great. Sadly to say, there's no such person in my life right now and despite being so very "jomblo" (=single), I still pretty much think that being single is the best thing for me now:) eKa @ 10:32:00 AM •
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