17 Agustus 1945

Happy Independence Day! So Indonesia is now 59 years old. Quite old but I'm not so sure that it has achieved much over the last 59 years. I do believe that some things do not change, even after 59 years, even in this time of wireless and digital and everything being in byte. Still...I still love being an Indonesian a lot. I want to go home. Mom is not working today, if mom is not I'm pretty sure dad isn't either. She sent me an sms at the crack of dawn this morning telling me that she's going to her home because my grandfather was sick. I'm a bit worried and nervous about this. I hope everything will be alright, I hope my mom will be alright. On the funny side, Dewi actually had a flag raising ceremony this morning. It's so funny!!! I thought only students do that but maybe the company just want to instill a strong sense of nationalism

Went to SimLim with Vivy last Saturday, with the intention of simply buying CD. I thought I could finish burning on weekend, but I only managed to clear out a small part of my computer. The C drive is okay but the D is still pretty full. I was reminiscing how there were times in NUS when I could store a few movies in my computer on the same time. Has I been collecting more and more songs since then. As much as my computer is not really that strong, it is quite reliable. It could handle Dreamweaver, Frontpage, Java Applet (for games), and an NUScast (for TV) when I was doing my projects back then. Isn't my computer something? Anyway, in SimLim, me and Vivy were browsing for iPod and man! it is dead expensive. Honestly I don't really get the whole idea and I guess apple should really be happy that we actually live in quite an unperfect virtual world. I mean if they expect us to obtain the mp3s to fill 40 GB of storage space legally...well, who are they kidding? They should be happy with all the P2P things going on out there in the Net. They facilitate the kids who might try to get an iPod because they think it's the cool thing. I guess it's just silly to think that things like iPod might help encourage kids to stop downloading mp3s and try to obtain their music legally. The legal suit is a better attempt. Though I think it's very mean of those companies to sue kids! It is a complicated thing this whole P2P and downloading music thingy. I don't really buy pirated CD but I do download a lot. I do think that in a way it's wrong. It's wrong when I use my collection of music to create an mp3 collection and sell them but I don't think it's necessary wrong to convert songs from my normal audio cd to mp3 and give it to my friends or use it as capital for P2P. I mean, nobody ever say that lending a cd to your friend is wrong so what's wrong in giving a song to your friends? I mean if you buy a cake then that cake is yours right? Whatever you want to do with it is up to you right? Whether you want to eat it or give it to your friend or pet for example. So if you buy a CD, aren't all the songs belong to you? So can't you give the CD or the songs to your friends? In a P2P world, so what if you don't know the name or the face of your so-called "friends?". As much as I like to believe that there's nothing wrong with downloading music from the Net, a big part of me actually think that it's wrong. This was once a discussion in my Economics for e-Business in NUS. I was all "for" for music downloading because if I'm doing it, I like to think that I'm right Anyway after the trip to SimLim, me and Vivy had a chance to step into a jewelry store and looked at diamonds, the so-called girl's bestfriend. I asked Vivy which one would she preferred, an iPod or the jewels. Without hesitation she answered the iPod. My sentiment exactly. When I reached home and was contemplating in my room, I thought how foolish I was. Give it 2 years, the iPod will most probably be worthless. Diamonds would have made a better investment. But still if you pop me the question again now, I would still say the iPod

Finally finished reading Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn Yeah, I know I took so long. I'm listening to Louis Armstrong now singing Moon River. I can kinda imagine how Huck and Jim feel being on the raft on the river looking at the moon, listening to this song. Such a nice song. I actually think Huck Finn story is a much better one than Tom Sawyer. Tom just had to make a huge drama and an adventure out of everything when it was the simple Huck who got to live all the adventure. Knowing Tom, I think he's gonna hate me for saying this but I really do like Huck more. I think Huck is a really nice and simple fellow, I can kinda see why he hated being civilized Life is too good to be tied down by stupid things, right Huck? But too bad I'm already tied down so badly.

Take care people. Again, Happy Independence Day! Merdeka

:) eKa @ 2:44:00 PM •


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