So, first episode of SURVIVOR ALL-STARS was aired yesterday. The line up for the survivors was announced weeks ago and since I didn't watch all of the previous survivors, I don't know many of them, especially since many of them are from the first 3 seasons of survivor. Let's see, I didn't watch the first survivor (Pulau Tiga - Borneo) so I don't know all the people from that season. I watched a few final episodes from Australian Outback, so I kinda know Colby and Tina Didn't watch the one in Africa. Watched some episodes from Marquesas so I know Kathy and Rob.M. Watched almost every episode from Thailand, glad to see Shi Ann there, I couldn't really figure out what's wrong with her the last time around, maybe her tribe mates really couldn't really accept someone who's culturally different, I mean it really is something normal in Asia to eat a chicken heart, it's especially good for your health if you're anemic. Then I watched all the episodes from Amazon except for the finale!!! The most important thing of the whole thing (I'm still holding quite a grudge because of that) Anyway, so I know Rob.C, as cunning as he is, he does make the show much interesting. I don't really like Jenna.M though. Then Pearl Islands - Panama the only season that I watched the whole thing completely. No surprise that Rupert is back, his popularity poll is so high, he'll be good for rating. Quite surprising though than Jon is not back, maybe he was just too chaotic the last time around. Anyway, yesterday's premiere was good, not that dead interesting but okay, I guess. It's pretty sad that Tina was ousted. I guess I was just surprise that Rupert's tribe could lose the challenge, and what's up with Richard anyway, why does he have to go around naked *yuck* I think it will really be quite an interesting season this time, I'm so curious who's gonna be the sole survivor.

Okay...What else to say? Remember the last time, I wrote a post with the title Changing Tea, I said I was gonna stick with the peach tea. Well, I didn't, I saw the ones with orange flavour and I was kinda tempted to try it out. It's weird and maybe my sensing buds have gone completely mad (I am never good in tasting things actually. My aunt was actually getting desperate when she tried to make me learn tasting meal while cooking), I felt that the tea had some kind of ginger taste in it. It didn't see any ginger in the ingredient list, but I think kinda sense a gingerly feeling. It doesn't give any gingerly heat running through you, so I guess I'm wrong. Of course there's heat but that one comes from the boiling water

One thing has been running through my head lately, it fills my head so much that I don't know if I ever gonna get it out completely. I've been experiencing several things at the same time. You know, it's because being you, you are actually playing different roles. For example in my case, I'm a friend, daughter, niece, cousin, and a girl among other things. In each of those roles you face different things and sometime they all can go wrong at the same time. Yesterday, I was giving a negative opinion about something to someone close to my heart. I said something like this, don't waste your care on those people who don't care about us either. Some people may think that what I was saying was true. However believe it or not, I don't (people may argue about this). Remember once I also wrote in this web that Love should be unconditional, so I just feel that, you know...if you want to care about someone and be nice, just be nice with all your heart and not because you want anything in return. This is in accordance in what my mom often says to me thousands times, not to count on what you are giving to others. But I did say what I said earlier and why you may ask. Sometime it is so hard, people hurt you so much and as much as you try to forgive and forget the same thing happen again and again and in my case I keep it all inside until one day I freeze. One time a friend was telling me not to be dependent on your friends, the only people you can trust is your family. At that time, I thought well she was maybe right. But then, I thought about it again and I thought how sad it is that you can't be dependent to your friends. Isn't it what having friends all about? to help you, to exchange and share each other pain as well as JOY? But if you can't trust your friend, then is it right to call those people your friends? If your friends leave you, are they really friends? And if they don't care about you, should you care too? In any case, if someone who supposedly be there for you leave you, should you waste your breath on them? The truth is I feel that you're never in the spot of asking. If you receive kindness then it is your blessing. You can't actually request that from people. But how can you help not feeling disappointed if the people who you thought genuinely care for you leave you just like that? Should that care you have for them not cease? How to make it not cease? This is only part of the bottle's content.

:) eKa @ 9:43:00 PM •


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